Cat On The Roof

剧情  中国  2016 

主演:巫晨熙 石亦凡 潘婧之 花騉 高姝瑶 张小熙 张毅 


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Upon their graduation, Xiao Long, Le Le and Mei Mei made a promise to get into the key middle school of the city together. Le Le did it with his performance, and Mei Mei was admitted because her father pulled strings. However, Xiao Long’s father asked Xiao Long to come back to Shanghai to study. Xiao Long didn’t want to leave, and he also felt betrayed by Le Le and Mei Mei. He ran away from home with his cat, lived on an abandoned rooftop and supported himself by selling cables. Finally, Mei Mei and Le Le found him, and they promised to go to Shanghai together in the future.

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