
纪录  法国  2014 

主演:乔治・克鲁尼 希拉里・罗德姆・克林顿 




Entente Cordiale intends to illustrate colonisation as a human phenomenon in an explicit manner as well as in a metaphoric sense without suggesting simplified accusations or political propositions It will not be a historical film since colonisation as well as slave trade are still happening today - in a modified way, a more industrial, massive and more global fashion than a hu (展开全部)   Entente Cordiale intends to illustrate colonisation as a human phenomenon in an explicit manner as well as in a metaphoric sense without suggesting simplified accusations or political propositions It will not be a historical film since colonisation as well as slave trade are still happening today - in a modified way, a more industrial, massive and more global fashion than a hundred years ago

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